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لحق العرض الآن
Saudi Traffic

Driving Opposite Direction In Saudi Arabia

Driving against the flow of traffic in Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most serious traffic violations. This occurs when a driver intentionally moves their vehicle in the opposite direction of the designated traffic lane on public roads. Such actions not only disrupt the orderly flow of vehicles but also significantly increase the risk of accidents, leading to severe injuries or even fatalities. Due to the heightened danger it poses to road safety, this violation is treated with strict penalties to deter drivers from endangering themselves and others.

Penalties and Fines for Driving in the Opposite Direction

Driving in the opposite direction on Saudi roads is considered a first-degree violation. Penalties for this violation include a fine ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 SAR, along with the deduction of 5 points from the driver’s record.

Objecting to a Violation for Driving in the Opposite Direction

  1. Access the Absher portal: Visit the Absher website.
  2. Log in: Enter your National ID or Iqama number along with your password to log into your account.
  3. Select “My Services”: Once logged in, go to the main menu and click on “My Services.”
  4. Choose “Traffic Services”: From the sub-menu, select “Traffic Services.”
  5. Select “Objection to Traffic Violations”: Next, choose the option for filing objections against traffic violations.
  6. Choose the specific violation: Browse through the list to find the violation you wish to object to.
  7. State your reason for objection: Write a clear and precise reason for why you are disputing the violation.
  8. Submit your objection: After stating the objection reason, click “Save” to submit the objection for processing.

Inquiring About Driving in the Opposite Direction Violation

To inquire about a driving violation for driving in the opposite direction in Saudi Arabia, you can easily check through the Absher portal. Follow these steps:

  1. Access Absher Portal: Begin by visiting the official Absher website.
  2. Log In: Once on the site, sign in using your National ID or Iqama number along with your password.
  3. Select “My Services”: After logging in, go to the “My Services” option in the main menu.
  4. Choose “Traffic Services”: From the submenu, select “Traffic Services.”
  5. Check Traffic Violations: Finally, click on “Inquiry about Traffic Violations” in the submenu.

How Violations for Driving in the Opposite Direction Are Identified?

Violations for driving in the opposite direction in Saudi Arabia are identified using several methods, including:

  • Traffic surveillance cameras.
  • Smart radar systems.
  • Traffic officers.

Tips to Avoid Driving in the Opposite Direction Violation

Here are key tips to avoid the violation of driving in the opposite direction in Saudi Arabia:

  • Drive in the correct direction.
  • Pay attention to traffic signals.
  • Follow all road regulations.

Impact of Deducting Points from a Driver’s Record

  1. Increased Insurance Costs: Drivers with traffic violations, such as driving in the opposite direction, may face higher insurance premiums as companies adjust rates based on traffic points accumulated.
  2. License Suspension: Accumulating too many traffic points can lead to the suspension of a driving license, with possible suspension periods extending up to a year for repeated offenses.
  3. Challenges in License Renewal: If the driver’s license expires while they have accumulated points, renewing it may become more difficult, potentially restricting their mobility.
  4. Damage to Reputation: Drivers with a history of traffic violations are often seen as irresponsible, which can negatively affect their chances of securing a job or renting a vehicle.

Driving against the flow of traffic is a serious violation that can lead to fatal accidents. It is crucial for drivers to adhere to traffic regulations and avoid driving in the opposite direction to ensure their safety and the safety of others on the road.

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